There are some reasons that cause the laptop battery to drain fast. Laptop brightness high is a reason for the laptop battery draining fast in windows 10 or windows 11 loads many unusual programs in the background. Sometimes we install much software for unnecessary or one-time usage. That also runs in the background and causes of battery to drain fast. An old battery that is not capable of the operating system also drains fast during usage.
We share some technical settings to save battery power consumption.
Why laptop battery drains fast?
You check these settings one by one and set up the laptop with these battery saver settings. It can increase your laptop’s battery life. Also, check this short video it can help you to get rid of the battery drain issue.
1: Keyboard backlit can consume the battery life, Without usage turn off the keyboard backlight. It can help to control battery power consumption. You should use the keyboard backlight when sitting in a low-light environment or without any lights on.

2: Extra-connected devices cause battery drain. Disconnect without the usage of any connected device like headphones attached USB drive and other devices. Also, turn off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi if you are not using them.
3: Make it your habit, Unplug when your laptop charging is 80 to 90 percent and the laptop plugged to electricity when it is down to 20%.
4: Turn battery saver mode on it can increase your battery life.
- Click on the battery icon
- Click on the Battery Settings
- Turn on the battery saver

5: Change advanced power settings and set the display brightness to lower screen brightness. It will increase battery life.

6: Open task manager and close all unnecessary programs and end task all background apps.

7: Set all the apps to open when needed. Close all auto-start apps which open when you logged on to windows.
8: Go to the power & Sleep settings window and set the display screen off minimum time and set sleep mode as you like.

9: If your laptop battery draining fast in windows 10 set all additional power settings low and save battery drain. Don’t plug in your laptop’s battery every time. It can weaken the laptop’s battery health.
Why laptop battery drain when the laptop is powered off?
Set your power buttons to shutdown. You feel your laptop is powered off but your power button is set on sleep mode. During sleep, mode laptops consume the battery life. That’s why the laptop battery drains when the laptop is powered off.