10 Best Laptops with 32GB RAM in 2023

10 Best Laptops with 32GB RAM in 2023

Any professional need a high-end laptop with maximum RAM. Now every computer user is shifting to a laptop instead of a PC. Whether you’re a content creator, a gamer, or a software developer, or video editing works having a laptop with high RAM capacity can greatly enhance your performance. If you’re looking for a laptop … Read more

Best Durable Laptop in 2024 (updated)

Best Durable Laptop in 2022

Most of the time we buy the laptop after checking its processor, RAM, Display, and storage rather than we don’t focus on its body material, and long-lasting durability. Here in the market, many tests are available on the internet drop tests, scratch tests, etc. Basically, laptops are not made for drops and scratches. Laptops are … Read more

Cheapest Laptop with the Longest Battery Life 2024 (updated)

Cheapest laptop with longest battery life

Any premium laptop is nothing with the best battery life. It doesn’t matter what specifications a laptop has without long battery life. Instead of an expensive laptop with shorter battery life, the cheapest laptop with the longest battery life is most useful. A cheap laptop means fewer specs and average work performance we have covered … Read more

Best Laptop Keyboard for Writers

Laptop Keyboard

Content writers must know something important. A comfortable device can make your work easier as a content writer. The best laptop keyboard for writers is most important. It means some more features are also important like screen, battery life, RAM, and processor. But the keyboard can make you more comfortable. Comfortability Almost all laptops have … Read more

Why laptops are better than desktops?

Laptop VS Desktop Computer

There are many things to understand why laptops are better than desktops. The first thing is portability, and the second power plugin is free that’s why laptop sales are increasing in the market more than desktops. Manufacturing companies also set higher goals of selling laptops than desktops. By 2025, laptop sales are expected to reach … Read more